- 106. FORM A-1 Application for Reconnaissance Licence
- 107. FORM A-2 Application for Exploration Licence
- 108. FORM A-3 Application for Small-Scale Mining Licence
- 109. FORM A-4 Application for Large-Scale Mining Licence
- 110. FORM A-5 Application to Relinquish Mineral Title Area
- 111. FORM A-6 Application to Enlarge Large-Scale Mining Licence Area
- 112. FORM A-7 Application to Extend Exploration Licence Term
- 113. FORM A-8 Application to Extend Mining Licence Term
- 114. FORM A-9 Application to Suspend Exploration Licence
- 115. FORM A-10 Application to Surrender Mineral Title
- 116. FORM A-11 Application to Consolidate Mining Licences
- 117. FORM A-12 Application for Mineral Title Transfer
- 118. FORM A-13 Application Exploration & Mining Agreement Negotiation
- 119. FORM A-14 Application for Retention Licence
- 120. FORM R-1 Receipt for Payment of Application Processing Fee
- 121. FORM R-2 Receipt for Payment of Licence Registration Fee
- 122. FORM R-3 Receipt for Submitted Report - Copy
- 123. FORM R-4 Receipt for Payment of Licence Conversion Processing Fee
- 124. FORM R-5 Receipt for Payment of Licence Transfer Processing Fee
- 125. FORM AT-1 Boundary Marker Placement Attestation - Copy
- 126. FORM AT-2 Attestation of No Mining Act Offence Penal Conviction
- 127. FORM AT-3 Attestation Legally Competent Individual without Conviction
- 128. FORM AT-4 Attestation to Accept Terms of Transferred Mineral Title
- 129. FORM L-1 Reconnaissance Licence
- 130. FORM L-2 Exploration Licence
- 131. FORM L-3 Small-Scale Mining Licence
- 132. FORM L-4 Large-Scale Mining Licence
- 133. FORM L-5 Retention Licence
- 134. FORM N-1 Notice of Fieldwork Commencement Exploration Reconnaissance
- 135. FORM N-2 Notice of Commencement of Mine Development
- 136. FORM N-3 Notice of Commencement of Mineral Production
- 137. FORM N-4 Notice of Design Capacity
- 138. FORM N-5 Notice of Encumbrance or Lien
- 139. FORM N-6 Notice of Intent to Permanently Cease Production
- 140. FORM N-7 Request to Minister for Permission to Revoke Mineral Title
- 141. FORM N-8 Notice of Demand for Final Documents
- 142. FORM N-9 Notice of Royalty Assessment Payment
- 143. FORM N-10 Notice of Annual Rent Return Payment
- 144. FORM AR-1 Reconnaissance Licence Annual Report
- 145. FORM AR-2 Exploration Licence Annual Report
- 146. FORM AR-3 Exploration Licence Annual Expenditure Report
- 147. FORM AR-4 Small-Scale Mining Licence Annual Report
- 148. FORM AR-5 Large-Scale Mining Licence Annual Report
- 149. FORM AR-6 Annual Employment and Training Report
- 150. FORM AR-7 State Mineral Resources Advisory Coordination Committee
- 151. FORM AR-8 Large-Scale Mining Licence Monthly Report
- 152. FORM I-1 Identification of Mineral Title Area
- 153. Fees
- 154. Annual Rent
- 155. Royalty Rates by assessed Minerals
- 156. Designation of Mineral Title Area
- 157. Guideline for Exploration Licence Annual Report Organisation and Content
- South Sudan MPM Mineral Title Spatial Import Template - Geographic DMS