The Ministry was established in 2005 as Ministry of Energy, Mining and Industry. However, as part of restructuring of the ministries during CPA period, the ministry was restructured in 2008 and became Ministry of Energy and Mining (MoEM). After independence, the ministry was restructured again and became Ministry of Petroleum and Mining (MP&M). After the signing of the Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan,2015 and the formation of Transitional Government of National Unity,2016. The ministry was restructured again and became Ministry of Mining (MOM), and is one of the ministries under the Economic cluster.
To facilitate the development, promotion and management of the mineral resources in a sustainable way in order to foster the economic growth of the country.
Sustainable development and management of mineral resources for national prosperity.
P.O. Box 376 Juba
Telephone: (+211) 915177771
The Ministry of Mining Strategic Plan has been prepared within the framework of South Sudan Vision 2040 whose aspiration is “Towards Freedom, Equality, Justice, Peace and Prosperity for all” and the Guiding Principles and Values, which include Democracy, Rule of Law; Socio-Economic Development; and International Relations.