Ministry of Mining was established in 2o15 to manage explore and develop the mineral resources of the county, for the nation prosperity. The ministry is headed by Hon. Martin Gama Abucha the ministry of mining being assisted by a number of experienced senior geoscientists, working collaboratively as a team towards the ministry of mining vision.
Unlike petroleum, the mineral wealth of South Sudan has yet to be explore, other than artisanal gold mining. With attainment of independent on 9th July 2011 a unique opportunity for various sectors to prosper including mining was created.
The mining investment opportunity in the country is very promising, because the geology presents rock types and structures optimum for the previous research, filed work and laboratory studies revealed the occurrences of precious and base metals in several places in the country in addition to widespread industrial minerals and building materials.
Currently there are some foreign and local companies persistently investing in the mineral sector in South Sudan but more investments are required in the field of research, geological survey, training, mineral prospecting, mineral exploitation, mining and etc. therefore the government policy welcomes and encouraging mining investments and promote equitably mining business opportunity for both local and international investors
The country contains three principal geological terrains: the Congo craton (Archaean and Paleoproterozoic) in the south, sedmentry basins (mesosoic to recent) in the north and the Arabian Nubian Shield (Neoloterozoic) in the east. Precambrian rocks with potnetials for gold are exposed in almost half of south sudan covering an area of 300,000 km2
There are a vast of metallic minerals spreading all over the south sudan: gold, copper, zinc, lead, manganese, iron, silver, tin, etc.
Opening of lime quarries and the construction of kilns for the manufacture of cement.
Opening quarries and the associated rough stone cutting installation for marble/decorative stones.
Finish cutting and polishing facilities can be added as a follow – on phase
Gemstone mine e.g diamonds
Provision of required infrastructure equipment and experience for mining sector
Mapping of minerals resources of South Sudan for mining sector
Working with partners for practical experience
Construction of roads, railways and housing to facilitate the mining activities
Power supply investment to facilitate cement production.
South Sudan Mining Act 2012, Minerals title regulations and Draft Mining Policy are the existing mining law in the country which is comparable to some of the best mineral legislations in the region. The mining industry is a competitive and the current legislation offers the following incentives.
Mining act 2012 and mineral title regulation 2015 governs the mining industry and stream line licenses and enhance the security of tenure.
Installation of mining license system based on the international standard (Mining Cadastre System).
Draft Mining Policy
Licence | Active | Duration | Area | Renewal |
Reconnaissence | None | 2 Years | Maximum of 25,000 sq. km and minimum of | Not Renewable(ministry of mining) |
Exploration | 48 | 5 years | Maximum of 2,000 and minimum of | Renewable for 2 Terms of 5 years each (ministry if mining) |
Large Scale Mining | None | 25 years | As Required by Mining Operation | 20 years (ministry of Mining) |
Small Scale Mining | 15 | 10 years | 1 sq. km | Renewable once (ministry of mining) |
Artisanal Mining License | 200 | 1 Year | 1 | Must be renewed annually By the Local Government Authorities (State Governments) |
P.O. Box 376 Juba
Telephone: (+211) 915177771
The Ministry of Mining Strategic Plan has been prepared within the framework of South Sudan Vision 2040 whose aspiration is “Towards Freedom, Equality, Justice, Peace and Prosperity for all” and the Guiding Principles and Values, which include Democracy, Rule of Law; Socio-Economic Development; and International Relations.